Barney Rubble

Barney Rubble

Barney Rubble

This is my newest cat, Barney. Barney is a Feral Cat, no hugs and kisses from this little fella. *sigh* I purchased a large animal trap to catch Barney so I could get him neutered, but Barney was to smart and wouldn’t go inside the trap. So, every day for about three months, I’ve been working with this wild cat to get him to the point where I can pet him, pick him up (if only briefly)… and ultimately get him into a cat carrier and get him neutered. Food is a good motivator when your trying to befriend a wild/feral cat. While the cat was eating, I would sneak up on Barney and pet him. The first few times were merely a touch, but over time I’ve been able to pet Barney the whole entire time it takes him to finish a can of food. Recently, I’ve been able to pick up Barney, for short periods of time without getting mauled. Success! So, I bought a large cat carrier thinking that would be easier than the trap. I set the cat carrier standing up with the door open and quickly picked him up and tried to put him in. Yup, I got scratched up. Undeterred, I tried several more times. Finally, I picked him up and held him over the opening of the cat carrier back feet first, and just “let him go” and he dropped right into the carrier… which he then proceeded to go round and around like he was inside a washing machine… poor scared cat. But it had to be done….. Had.To.Be.Done. *sniffle* Here is Barney at home the day after having been neutered… giving me the ol’ stink eye for sure…. You can see they cut the tip off of his right ear. So, from a distance anyone who knows about feral cats will know this one is “shooting blanks” and to let him be. Here is some information about ear-tipping or notching of feral cats. Also, some info about the trap-neuter-return theory. We have a great Spay and Neuter facility called, Hope. They do the “Trap Neuter Release” for feral cats but you have to bring the cat in-in a trap. I explained to them what I did, and that the cat is indeed feral— and if they didn’t believe me to stick their hand in the carrier. Wouldn’t you know it? They believed me. So, for $60.00 they neutered Barney, gave him a rabies shot, cut his ear tip and gave him an antibiotic shot to boost his health. I had recently done some “artsy-fartsy” stuff for a friend of mine, and he had given me some money for my artistic endeavors. I really appreciate those that realize that your time is valuable and don’t take you for granted. Anywho— I told him that I was going to put that money towards getting a feral cat neutered. Well, of course I needed to make him a “Thank you” card right? Here is the card: Sometimes simplicity is best, right? Barney still isn’t to happy with me, but he’ll come around I’m sure. I think I’ll speed up the forgiving process and give him some tuna fish, that should do the trick! Trap, Neuter and return because every life matters! big hugs, Cheryl


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