7 Things German Shepherds Hate

7 Things German Shepherds Hate

7 Things German Shepherds Hate

German Shepherds are working dogs that originated in Germany. Although they were bred to herd sheep and protect the flock from predators, today they perform many jobs, including law enforcement, the military, bomb, and drug detection, search and rescue, and much more.Because German Shepherds are so smart and loyal, they are incredibly versatile. They are also very loving and make great family companions. They love nothing more than to be close to and please their humans.However, they are very active dogs that require lots of time, training, and attention. They’re not content to be couch potatoes. Rather, they thrive on action, and challenges, and need lots of mental and physical stimulation. Since they are so clever, they are rather strong-willed and seem to have their own opinions about things. When you share your life with one, it’s obvious what they enjoy and what they don’t, which they will usually make crystal clear.There are tons of articles about what German Shepherds love as opposed to what they don’t. So, in this article, we’re going to focus on what the breed tends to dislike giving you an idea of how they’d fit into your lifestyle. 1. Being Confined to Small SpacesGerman Shepherds need lots of space to run and play. They are not only very active, but they are also very athletic and need room to stretch their legs and get in some good running time, games of fetch, and room to move and burn off their energy.Since they are so smart and have a great protective instinct, they also enjoy spending time exploring their yard, patrolling their fence line, and watching over their property. They don’t do well when confined to one area, a small yard, or a small home. Unless you have a workable plan in place that can provide them with a daily outlet for their mental and physical energy, they need a large home and yard. But keep in mind, being stuck in a small home all day and a quick walk in the evening doesn’t meet most of these dogs’ needs. They require much more activity than the average active dog and many don’t enjoy the dog park. 2. Being BoredGerman Shepherds like to be busy both mentally and physically. Since they are working dogs, it’s in their DNA. They’re not content to just sit around the house with nothing to do but look at their toys.They are also extremely smart so they require an outlet for the brains and brawn. Since most households don’t provide them with a job, you’ll have to come up with other ways to burn off their excess energy and stimulate their mind or they will develop behavior problems and can become destructive.To keep German Shepherds from getting bored at home, you’ll need to provide them with plenty of daily exercise, training, playtime, and enrichment toys. Their work ethic doesn’t give them weekends off so be prepared to invest in their activities seven days a week beginning at sun up. 3. New Places and Strange PeopleGerman Shepherds are naturally aloof and leery of strangers. Most of them are not super friendly with people they don’t know. So, when you take them to new places filled with strangers, they are naturally on alert.German Shepherds must be socialized from puppyhood and exposed to many places, situations, and all types of people to help them feel comfortable in new environments. This is especially true if you plan to travel with your dog.Keeping up this level of socialization is a lifetime commitment when owning a German Shepherd. However, it is possible to raise a dog that is comfortable and safe to bring out in public but even then, most German Shepherds are not social butterflies and prefer to remain by the side of their family rather than have strangers approaching or touching them, unless they invite the attention. 4. Raised Voices and ConflictGerman Shepherds thrive on the consistency and the calm temperament of their owners. They don’t do well in a house with lots of fighting, raised voices, tension, or conflict. Since they are naturally protective, home environments like this make them tense and put them on high alert.They don’t enjoy being yelled at, either. They have exceptional hearing and don’t need a raised voice to hear better and it doesn’t increase their understanding. It causes them stress because they won’t understand where the anger is coming from and do want to please you. This stress can lead to confusion, fear, and even aggression, if they feel threatened.German Shepherds are very sensitive to their environment and can get distressed due to stress, frustration, anger, etc., which can trigger anxiety, fear, confusion, and aggression. It is best to keep a German Shepherd out of the mix if there are a lot of emotional upheavals or fighting in the home. 5. Being IgnoredGerman Shepherds make awesome companions and are very loving. They live to please and protect their owners and love spending time with them. They want to be part of the family and don’t like being separated or left out of the fun.They can get demanding when they want your attention, need exercise, or want to play. But they are also super fun and love to go anywhere and everywhere with their owners when they are properly socialized. 6. Being AloneGerman Shepherds get very bonded with their families and like to be with them. They don’t do well when left alone for long periods. This is due to many of their traits, including their need for companionship.But it’s also in part due to their high energy level. When they have nothing to keep them occupied, they will find other outlets for their energy, such as destructive chewing, barking, and digging. 7. InconsistencyGerman Shepherds have a mind like a vault. This means they don’t forget anything. They are also experts at reading body language. So, they have a great need for consistency in their training. For instance, if they are allowed on the bed one day and then not the next, it not only causes them confusion. Then they can get pushy and test your boundaries. It’s frustrating to them to receive mixed messages, it not only causes confusion, but it also sets them up for failure.Teaching them the rules, rewarding them for following them, and being consistent is the best way to reinforce their good behavior. It also establishes you as their leader and you will earn their respect while fostering mutual trust in each other. We hope you enjoyed this article about what German Shepherds hate. What would you add to the list? Let us know in your comments on Facebook. As always, please feel free to share with your friends. You might also like: 15 Fun Games To Play With Your Dog


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